Choosing Your Career in High School

When you are in high school, it is never too early to starting thinking about choosing a career path for your life. Sure, you’re embroiled in the everyday things that school is: football games, school dances, friendships, and class projects. But the truth is that high school only lasts for four years. After that, you’re in the real world, so to speak, and you’ll have to do something to make a living.

Choosing a career in high school might be too much for you to think about, but it can be made easier in many ways. The first thing you need to do is look at what you like to do and what interests you. Do you like tinkering around under the hood of a car? Maybe you should be an auto mechanic. Perhaps writing is what you enjoy. If so, maybe a journalism career is on your horizon.

Almost all of us had a dream when we were children about what we wanted to be when we grew up. Think back to that time when dreams were always attainable. Did you want to be a fireman or an airline stewardess? Does that still pique your interest? We don’t have to give up on our childhood dreams just because we’ve grown up. Consider pursuing that career as a fireman anyway – if that’s what you still want to do.

Your school counselor can be a great resource when you are choosing a career path in high school. They have access to many tools you can use including career tests and surveys. School counselors also know about available programs in certain career areas as well as schools of higher education that offer specific training for specific jobs.

That’s an important part about choosing a career in high school – what type of training will be needed for the job you are dreaming of. If you want to work in a trade type of job – such as an auto mechanic – you will want to go to a school that can give you the training you need. Some careers require more education than others, so you’ll want to decide how much time you are willing to invest in a career. If you are interested in becoming a doctor or a lawyer, extensive schooling is required, but in the end, you’ll have a strong career with lots of possibilities.

When you are in high school, choosing a career might seem a little overwhelming, but it’s important to plan early so you can realize success later in life. Having a goal is the first step toward having a fulfilling and satisfying career in your adult life. That goal setting needs to start in high school.

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